Ann Maglinte, Jed Diamond, and Martin Mileck cordially invite you to attend a party in celebration of the publication of our new book, "Composting Abbie: A Whale of a Story," on Friday, April 25, 5-7 PM at the Mendocino County Museum, 400 E Commercial St, Willits, CA. This is the true story of a whale, a tragic accident, and a man who had a brilliant idea that turned a tragedy into an opportunity to grow food and flowers for children. The story was first reported on October 19, 2009 when a massive blue whale washed ashore just south of Fort Bragg, California, not far from the world-famous Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. Ann Maglinte, Northcoast Artists gallery member, illustrated the story with watercolor paintings, local writer Jed Diamond captured the story in words, and local farmer and businessman, Martin Mileck, composted the whale. It is a story and a book for children of all ages, in celebration of Earth Day and every day sustainability. “I know I can compost this whale instead of sending her to a dump site,” Martin said. “We’ll give the whale compost to schools and community gardens to grow food and flowers for people. For us there’s no such thing as waste. Everything can, and should be, re-cycled.” Families are invited. There will be information about the value of composting, and photos of some of the gardens where the whale compost was used. Information about the whale, and the process of getting the whale skeleton ready for display in Fort Bragg will be included. Refreshments and wine from the Frey Winery will be served. Museum admission and refreshments are free at the event. Books will be available for purchase. There will be an informative talk with a book signing to follow. For more information, please contact the Mendocino County Museum, in Willits, at 707-459-2736, email them at [email protected], or check out their website and calendar of events at |